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Company Information
Flapkan Productions

Flapkan Productions is an one-man company specialised in fully-automated PDF solutions.

Chamber of Commerce





Terneuzen, the Netherlands


This website and its content would not have been possible without the supporters of my Patreon,
as well as all the people who have donated their time over the years to improve the sheets and their content.
Thank you all very much for your continued support!

Code Base
Shout-out to Smashman for his ongoing support and feedback on my code.

A big thanks to Gretkatillor (over on EN World). The code in MPMB's Character Record Sheet has partly been borrowed from and was otherwise inspired by %[%a href="" target="_blank" %]%Gretkatillor's The Clean Sheet%[%/a%]%.

Lastly, I need to thank /u/droiddruid over on Reddit for using his JSON file for all the creatures from the SRD. It formed the basis for all the creatures on the companion and wild shape pages.
Colourful Design
The graphics of the Colourful sheets have either been taken from or modeled after by Javier Aumente's design of his own D&D 5e Hojas de Personaje. Furthermore, the layout he came up with has been a great inspiration for MPMB's Character Record Sheet.

Javier has been graceful in letting me use his artwork for this project and deserves a big thank you for his wonderful creation.
Printer Friendly Design
Most graphics of the Printer Friendly sheets were taken from or inspired by the official character sheets by Wizard of the Coast. The Printer Friendly Redesign is based on the official character sheet, but uses none of its graphics.

The animal silhouettes on the Companion and Wild Shape pages of both Printer Friendly and Redesign were taken from %[%a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow"%][%/a%]%.

The Player Reference pages in both Printer Friendly and Redesign were inspired by the character sheet by /tg's /5eg. The dragon on the reference page is a direct copy and they deserves all the credit.
Printer Friendly Redesign
The 1st-page Dragon Head in the Printer Friendly - Redesign was designed by spikeilustra. It's original use is on the %[%a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" %]%5th Ed. Complete Character Sheet by Bruno Mendonça%[%/a%]%, which is a well-made and compact one-page character sheet worthy of your attention.

On the Background page of the Printer Friendly - Redesign, the zombie silhouettes were made by charlieburst and sunshine-91 on %[%a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow"%]%Vecteezy%[%/a%]% and the necromancer silhouette was made by %[%a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"%]%WDHawthorne on Deviant Art%[%/a%]%.
Website Images
I would like to thank everybody who sent me their character sheets and images for me to use as background images for this website. I printed out many of those sheets for a photo shoot.

Thank you Pengsloth, Avinash, Ben, Brian, Chance, Chris, Curt, Derek, François, Harry, Isaac, Jason, Jimmy, Mark, Matt, Matthew, Michael, Nod Hero, Ocean, Peder, Princess, Robert, Ryan, Thomas, and Tim.
If only there was enough space to list the many, many people who have shown their (monetary) support for this project over the years. Either on EN World, DMs Guild, or Patreon. The continued support has been tremendous!

As this website is just getting started, I haven't found the time to ask all eligible people if they would liked to be mentioned here. If you think you deserve a shout-out and would like to see your name here, please let me know.

Legal Information

Purchases through this website are covered by Flapkan Production’s General Terms and Conditions.

This website only uses cookies essential for its functionality. Read more about how cookies are used and how your data is handled in the Privacy Policy.

MPMB’s D&D 5e Character Tools are published under GNU General Public License version 3 (for the code, images are copyright of their authors) and makes use of materials Copyright © Wizards of the Coast by use of the Open Gaming License version 1.0a.

MPMB’s D&D 5e Character Tools, MPMB’s Character Record Sheet, MPMB’s Complete Spell Sheets per Class, and MPMB’s Adventure Logsheet are 2014-2025 © Copyright Joost Wijnen (Flapkan Productions), All Rights Reserved.